This Agreement Privacy Policy covers all personal information of visitors, users and members collected by ENERGON BIOTECH S.A. during the visit and use of the services of the eshop.energonbio.eu webpages. Moreover, the present convention covers the requirements of collecting, processing and management the personal information of visitors, users, members of ENERGON BIOTECH S.A. and the contracted 'Traders'.

This contract is the relationship between the visitors, users and members of eshop.energonbio.eu.

By the nature and size of information on Internet, under any circumstances, including negligence, ENERGON BIOTECH S.A. is not responsible for any damage incurred to visitor/user, using webpages, services, options and contents of eshop.energonbio.eu, made by his own initiative and in full knowledge of the present terms.


The sites eshop.energonbio.eu & www.energonbio.eu is the online stores of the Energon Biotech S.A. here in after called as "Company" and provides a platform for e-commerce, advertising and promotion of special offers targeted to the general public with the terms and conditions hereof. The affiliated companies that are suppliers of special services and here in after for brevity will be called 'traders', which through the services of eshop.energonbio.eu, they are displaying and promoting their products to everyone is interested. Members of eshop.energonbio.euhave the ability through the platform services to select – buy any of these, taking advantage of the special offers.

The user – guest of the sites eshop.energonbio.eu, in order to take advantage of these special offers, must have previously registered as a member, creating a personal account, through which he/she will be able to purchase any of the special offers that he/she wishes. By registering, the user - member is committed under the terms mentioned in this document. 


Each visitor can browse the websites eshop.energonbio.euwithout giving any personal information. Personal data will be needed (e-mail) if someone wishes to become a member, to order products or if he/she choose to receive newsletters.


Registration process in eshop.energonbio.eugoverned by the terms mentioned in this document. If a visitor does not agree to the Terms should not proceed in this process.

Visitor – user, after submitting his personal data must then choose a name (username) and password (password). Through his account may use the services of eshop.energonbio.eu.

Furthermore, necessary data are requested and needed for both the legality of the transaction and the issuance of legal documents, as well as for ensuring the trader. It may also be requested information relating to the visitor/user (name, occupation, address, date of birth, etc.), if he wishes to be informed about services that may interest him. Under no circumstances, informative messages for services are not send (no spamming) if the user does not choose this newsletter service information messages.

Finally, it is possible to collect information for statistical purposes, which is decoupled, from personal information of the user-member, process in accordance with the legislation on personal data protection.

Any personal data that the user-member indicates anywhere on the pages and departments of this website, are intended solely to ensure the operation of the service and the legality of the transaction and may not be used by anyone, without complying with the Law 2472/97 as nowadays is in force on the protection of personal data and as it is in force at any time.

The personal data stated in eshop.energonbio.eu used exclusively by the "Company” for the services which the member has chosen, in order to support, promote and execute the transactional relationship (e.g. issuing receipts from the company).

The site eshop.energonbio.eu operates in accordance with applicable Greek and EU legislation and maintain security of personal data of the user-member for as long as he is registered in its service. In any way, these data are deleted after the expiration of the transactional relationship.

The account holder (member) is fully responsible for any use and maintaining the secrecy and security of his password and must immediately notify the eshop.energonbio.eu for any use of his account by a third party without authorization and any other infringements of electronic account. eshop.energobio.eureserves the right to automatically disqualify the visitor/user from using the Websites and the services in the case of breach of terms.

The holdings data file may be notified to the competent judicial, police and other legal authorities at their request and in accordance with the pertinent laws. The user has, within the framework of the law on telecommunications, information rights and refusal provided for in Articles 11 to 13 of Law 2472/1997.


For registration of visitors - users - members in some of eshop.energonbio.eu and services and the lists of recipients (mailing lists) of Newsletters, ENERGON BIOTECH S.A. requests the following information: Name - E-mail. "Company" may keep a record of the email addresses to send more financial or informative messages unless the recipient does not want that. Information (name and e-mail) are not disclosed to third parties. You can unsubscribed from receiving newsletters by using the link “Delete from Newsletter" which exists in every Newsletter is mailed and choose to delete it. "Company" may delete any recipient without justification.


"Company" stores your personal data as confidential and shall not disclose it to any third party (natural or legal) for any reason, with the exception of the relevant provisions of law and the relevant authorities.

"Company" retains records of personal data, which the user-member sends for communication, financial and tax.

User - member may contact the department to check for the existence of a personal file, correct, change or delete.

Visitors/users of eshop.energonbio.euwho are minors may have access to the services only with the consent of parents or guardians and are not required to submit their personal data. If minors provide such information, the “Company” deletes the relevant information.

"Company" and in particular the marketing department can process part or all of the data you have dispatched for statistical or economic reasons and improvement of services - information.