BIO-ORGANIC There are 23 products.



    Defeat the calories

    Products in this category may be used to help to control the amount of food you consume, you lose weight and / or keep it on. These products help control hunger so we feel full faster during a meal, and for longer after that. Thereby helping to reduce the overall amount of food we eat (meals and snacks).

    Garcinia Cambogia

    The Garcinia Cambogia is a new term in the world of weight loss, which is gaining popularity with geometric rate. This popularity is due to the many tributes that have seen the light of publicity in magazines and televisions from big names in the field of health food and slimming. When talking about Garcinia Cambogia for weight loss, in fact refer to the extract from the bark of the fruit of Garcinia Cambogia (Garcinia Cambogia Extract). Is this substance characterized today as "The youngest, fastest fat burner".

    • inhibits fat production
    • Improves mood
    • Suppresses Appetite
    • Treats emotional overeating
    • Reduces Good Cholesterol
    • Improves Good Cholesterol
    • Helps to increase muscle mass

    What is Garcinia Cambogia?

    The Garcinia Cambogia is a tree that grows mainly in Southeast Asia. The fruit has the size orange and look like very similar to pumpkin. The indigenous people of Indonesia have used this fruit for centuries as a spice but also as a powerful natural therapeutic for various diseases of the digestive system, the colon and to treat inflammatory conditions.

    Garcinia Cambogia and Lipolysis

    Just recently discovered the potential of Garcinia Cambogia to burn excess fat. This is due to a component present in the slime of the fruit of Garcinia Cambogia and called Iydroxycitric Acid (HCA). The extract of the rind of the fruit of Garcinia Cambogia is what it contains the active ingredient. The Hydroxycitric Acid (HCA), hydroxycitric acid, prevents lipogenesis and fat synthesis, reduces the feeling of hunger and improves mood causing fast lose kilos.


    The range of Specialty Supplements Health of EUROSUP includes supplements with very specific action, combining the latest breakthroughs in nutritional science with the finest raw materials from around the world, which offer excellent quality products. This natural - organic supplements and consist of combinations of plant extracts and vitamins - minerals in order to offer solutions health, beauty and wellness.

    Internal health
    Very often, we look at health and beauty as two separate things. When you consider what it takes to be healthy and what is beautiful, we quickly realize that the two are interrelated. Healthy habits conducive to good looks, as evidenced by a healthy athletic body resulting from proper diet and exercise.
    In this category, we can find products that help enhance a healthy body from the inside out including bones, memory, vision, digestive system, skin, hair and many more.
    Better living is something we all strive to achieve. It helps to have the support of a company that takes care of this right. EUROSUP is a company that has put a lot of time and effort into developing the best products in two areas:

    • Supplements to improve appearance
    • Supplements to promote health and vitality and to address the needs of our health.

    Nutritional supplements with aloe vera
    The many benefits of health is one of the reasons it is so favorable aloe vera for weight loss and then the hardest part, to maintain ideal weight. Aloe vera helps remove excess weight in different ways because it has natural rejuvenating properties and provides natural detoxification.
    You may be familiar with the symptoms of an unbalanced digestive function. Symptoms include bloating, fatigue, gas and constipation and declare the existence of several harmful toxins in the body.
    Aloe helps relieve these troublesome symptoms as the body detoxifies. The symptoms disappear, detoxify and feel better as you lose those extra pounds.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 23 items
Showing 1 - 12 of 23 items