Muscle tissue is made up of proteins. Proteins do not accumulate in the body and therefore must be supplied at regular intervals. Athletes may need a higher amount of protein of the standard. Proteins facilitate construction and recovery of muscle tissue.
The protein supplements are particularly useful for those following the Zone diet (caloric ...
Muscle tissue is made up of proteins. Proteins do not accumulate in the body and therefore must be supplied at regular intervals. Athletes may need a higher amount of protein of the standard. Proteins facilitate construction and recovery of muscle tissue.
The protein supplements are particularly useful for those following the Zone diet (caloric breakdown 40/30/30) and for those who follow the Atkins diet or ketogenic. In these cases, supplement can facilitate the maintenance of caloric breakdown to be pursued.
Muscle tissue is made up of proteins. Proteins do not accumulate in the body and therefore must be supplied at regular intervals. Athletes may need a higher amount of protein of the standard. Proteins facilitate construction and recovery of muscle tissue. The protein supplements are particularly useful for those following the Zone diet (caloric breakdown 40/30/30) and for those who follow the Atkins diet or ketogenic. In these cases, supplement can facilitate the maintenance of caloric breakdown to be pursued.
Tips for Using Protein Supplements:
30g protein powder prepared with water a day between meals and at least one 'hours before the commitment sports, workouts or competitions. They can also be taken at bedtime, but only those with slow or medium / slow-release (with a preponderance of casein). The protein supplements are suitable even for non-sports people, when they want to increase their protein intake in their diet. In this case you should use the meals for breakfast, or if they contain a reduced proportion of protein.
Differences between the various proteins proposals:
• Milk protein, casein and caseinates: very slowly release the amino acid content, are ideal during the day and oprimal in bedtime.
• Whey protein, lactalbumin, egg albumin: release the amino acids contained quickly, making them ideal post-workout and every time you want a fast easy to digest.
Amino acids are the molecular building blocks of proteins. Contained in many foods, and this is why are not prohibited. However, as with all supplements, you should check the labels carefully for other formulation components, which might be prohibited by the regulations of doping. There is no scientific evidence that diet supplementation with amino acids helps to increase athletic performance. The weightlifters usually consume various amino acids in their attempt to activate the release of growth hormone (GH) from the pituitary, which in turn will stimulate muscle growth. Amino acids have also been used to stimulate insulin release from the pancreas of another anabolic hormone, since facilitates the uptake of amino acids into muscle cells.
Amino acids are divided into two basic groups: essential and nonessential. Essential amino acids are those that the body cannot synthesize and must obtain them from food. In food, amino acids are in the form of proteins. The dietary protein consists of long chains of amino acids. During operation of digestion in the stomach and small intestine, the protein is cleaved into polypeptides and oligopeptides (short chains of amino acids) and then into individual amino acids. When the amino acids get into the blood basically used to rebuild the muscle cells and the production of enzymes necessary for the regulation of metabolism. A short-term lack of essential amino acids (a few days) does not cause health problems. If the lack of essential amino acids extended for longer, will surely show glitches.
The amino acids are referred to as components of protein synthesis. There are 22 amino acids. From those 22, eight are known as essential amino acids.
These eight amino acids are:
Carbohydrates are the energy currency of our body. Most foods that we eat everyday consist of carbohydrates. Our body cleaves carbohydrates into smaller pieces, glucose, which burns to get the energy they need all day to live.
Why we need carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy of our brain and nervous system. They provide the energy we need to move, to think and to make all the necessary functions of our body.
There are two main types of carbohydrates:
The main role of carbohydrates in the body is the production of energy. That is why carbohydrates are the basis of human nutrition. One gram of carbohydrate during cleavage yields 4 kcal (calories, as has come to be called). 50-55 % of energy intake per day should come from carbohydrates. The bulk of these will be covered by polysaccharides, after food, which contained, include other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Moreover, the digestion and absorption of the polysaccharides takes more time, thus avoiding the abrupt increase of the concentration of glucose in blood. In contrast, the simple sugars increase abruptly the glucose concentration in blood. The increased consumption of simple sugars has been associated with the creation of obesity, since foods that are contained are high caloric value.
Occurs in minimum quantities in the body and are used in numerous biological processes. The deficiencies in minerals and trace elements due either to poor diet, or the increased needs certain training programs. A known representative of this category is iron, which is present in hemoglobin which carries oxygen in the blood and thus supplies energy tissues, but also in myoglobin, which is the major protein associated with the mobility of muscles.
Exercise causes the loss of certain minerals in sweat and urine, but is not known whether the athletes can to balance this loss by increasing the absorption, retention or activity of micro elements. At the same time exercise causes acute changes in trace elements in the blood, but how this happens is not explained properly.
Creatine is a natural amino acid, which was discovered in 1832 by Sevril. Is concentrated mainly in skeletal muscle (95 % of total creatine in humans), brain, nerve cells, the sperm and the heart. Creatine is synthesized mainly in the liver (~ 1g. Daily), and daily consumed a gram, which is obtained through the diet of humans via consumption of meat types.
Increase intramuscular creatine by taking as a dietary supplement in appropriate quantities, can contribute to improved performance and increase work output during intense anaerobic exercise (especially when performed in continuation), the time of phosphocreatine replenishment resulting in ATP production within muscle fibers
These positive actions /operations of creatine and its receiving, are possibly the reason increased maximum force, work output, speed, and improving repeated sprint times and neuromuscular strength has been observed in several athletes .
It should however be noted that creatine is not appropriate supplementation of sufferers of diseases of liver, kidney, minors and pregnant. The contraindications are valid preventive, because not investigate the safety of creatine in making certain categories of people and consists of these individuals to take creatine accordance with the instructions of their physician.
In conclusion, creatine is a natural amino acid, which when taken in recommended amounts as a dietary supplement is safe and may have a beneficial effect on the athlete during intense anaerobic exercise.
Promoting thermo genesis, i.e. increase the body temperature, resulting in increased metabolism and elimination of calories in the form of heat. Furthermore, stimulate the production nor-adrenaline, the hormone necessary for burning fat and neurotransmitters that increase vigor and soon satisfying hunger.
There are places (belly for men, hips for women) which accumulates fat and are the latest points which will burn it. Why is this happening?
The enemy has a name and is called A -2 receptor (alpha-2 receptor). If he wants you to accumulate of fat then it will become. It is the factor that inhibits lipolysis, which allows the accumulation of fat and the worst? It takes care that fat will stay on points we discussed.
The most common thermogenic ingredient is caffeine. As is proven, caffeine is fat burning, reduces hunger, improves mood and increases endurance levels. Caffeine has many positives, which is why it is included in most fat burners. Green tea is another popular supplement. The active substance, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), increase the burning of calories. Two other thermogenetic substances are synephrine (from pineapple), and capsaicin (from peppers).
The role of vitamins is to assist various energy -producing reactions in the body and should be taken with food because the body either cannot be produced at all, some of them, either synthesize sufficient quantities. Many mistakenly believe that excessive consumption of vitamin preparations can provide extra energy and strength in the body. The latter, however, studies have shown that athletes who have been qualitatively and quantitatively balanced diet that covers all the food groups do not benefit from taking vitamin preparations.
They do not provide energy to the body, but are needed in very small amounts for growth and keeping in good condition. When, however, the energy intake from food is very low, then a multivitamin, approved by the National Medicines Agency may fill possible gaps. Today it is known that many vitamins are components of coenzymes necessary for enzyme activity and progress are metabolic pathways in the body.
The lack of a vitamin means that an enzyme cannot catalyze a reaction and when in the body there is a reaction should be and vice versa, when a reaction that should not be done, created some problems in the body, and the clinical picture of these events characterize the different diseases. Partial vitamins present in foods as provitamins namely substances that have no action vitamins but can be converted into vitamin in the body.
Depending on their solubility divided into two classes:
Water soluble (vitamins B complex and vitamin C)
And the fat-soluble (vitamins A, D, E and K).
The absorption of water soluble vitamins is very easy, since liposoluble, like fat, require the presence of pancreatic lipase and bile salts for absorption.
Consequently to absorb fat-soluble should be secreted bile and pancreatic juice in the digestive tract, which is achieved by taking some amount of fat that stimulates the secretion of digestive juices above.
For strength and power during physical training as well as great gains in muscle mass! EGG PRO! A protein that originates from egg, the very first protein source granted by nature.
ACETIL L-CARNITINA 1000 is a Carnitine food supplement in the form of ACETIL L-CARNITINE.
Food supplement of Arginine alpha ketoglutarate useful in case of reduced dietary intake of this nutrient.
Food supplement useful in case of reduced dietary intake of L-arginine.With sweeteners. Aspartame free.
Dietary supplement useful incase of low intake of arginine in the diet.
BCAAs is a food supplement of branched chain amino acids with vitamin B1 and B6. BCAAs is designed to supplement the diet of athletes.
Beta Alanine Powder is a beta alanine food supplement.
BETA ALANINE is a beta alanine based food supplement.
Carb up is a preparation for beverage containing only maltodextrin E6. Food product.
Food supplement of Carnitine, (Carnitine tartrate), useful in case of reduced dietary intake of this nutrient.
Food supplement useful in case of reduced intake of creatin in the diet.
Food supplement useful in case of reduced dietary intake ofthe contained nutrients.