Creatine is a natural amino acid, which was discovered in 1832 by Sevril. Is concentrated mainly in skeletal muscle (95 % of total creatine in humans), brain, nerve cells, the sperm and the heart. Creatine is synthesized mainly in the liver (~ 1g. Daily), and daily consumed a gram, which is obtained through the diet of humans via consumption of ...

Creatine is a natural amino acid, which was discovered in 1832 by Sevril. Is concentrated mainly in skeletal muscle (95 % of total creatine in humans), brain, nerve cells, the sperm and the heart. Creatine is synthesized mainly in the liver (~ 1g. Daily), and daily consumed a gram, which is obtained through the diet of humans via consumption of meat types.

Increase intramuscular creatine by taking as a dietary supplement in appropriate quantities, can contribute to improved performance and increase work output during intense anaerobic exercise (especially when performed in continuation), the time of phosphocreatine replenishment resulting in ATP production within muscle fibers

These positive actions /operations of creatine and its receiving, are possibly the reason increased maximum force, work output, speed, and improving repeated sprint times and neuromuscular strength has been observed in several athletes .

It should however be noted that creatine is not appropriate supplementation of sufferers of diseases of liver, kidney, minors and pregnant. The contraindications are valid preventive, because not investigate the safety of creatine in making certain categories of people and consists of these individuals to take creatine accordance with the instructions of their physician.
In conclusion, creatine is a natural amino acid, which when taken in recommended amounts as a dietary supplement is safe and may have a beneficial effect on the athlete during intense anaerobic exercise.


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