The vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids are vital nutrients necessary for overall good health, so a dietary supplement that contains moderate levels of these components can benefit anyone who wants a general strengthening and toning the body. However each person, depending on the specific needs and health status, can choose to take spec...

The vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids are vital nutrients necessary for overall good health, so a dietary supplement that contains moderate levels of these components can benefit anyone who wants a general strengthening and toning the body. However each person, depending on the specific needs and health status, can choose to take specific supplements with ingredients that will satisfy especially their own specific needs.

It is very important to know what nutrients will help your specific organization. It is important to know for example that in periods of intense anxiety, a supplement with B vitamins to boost energy levels of your organization, an antioxidant, such as vitamin C, and some herbs, can contribute significantly to the management of anxiety and its influence on your health.

Nowadays, more and more people rely on the supplements to supply the body with beneficial nutrients. The major development in the field of supplements has led to the design and production of a wide range of products making it possible for everyone now, depending on your needs, choose the appropriate supplements for its own organization and offer health and wellness.
Even if you follow a healthy diet, it may not include all the essential nutrients needed by the body and are required to be obtained by other means in order to have a strong immune system, optimum energy levels and good mental function. Depending on your needs, can a person in order to ensure health and wellness to use different supplements such as multivitamins, antioxidants, probiotics or omega - 3 and 6 fatty acids.

Taking supplements can reduce the risk of the elderly suffer from poor immune function associated with advancing age. Also taking supplements can also improve the level of micronutrients elderly at levels associated with reduced risk of certain chronic diseases.
The composite supplementation with vitamins and minerals provide vitamins, minerals and other factors needed to prevent deficits from the diet that may be caused by poor eating habits, impulsive lifestyle etc.


HEALTH & WELL-BEING There are 24 products.



    The vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids are vital nutrients necessary for overall good health, so a dietary supplement that contains moderate levels of these components can benefit anyone who wants a general strengthening and toning the body. However each person, depending on the specific needs and health status, can choose to take specific supplements with ingredients that will satisfy especially their own specific needs.

    It is very important to know what nutrients will help your specific organization. It is important to know for example that in periods of intense anxiety, a supplement with B vitamins to boost energy levels of your organization, an antioxidant, such as vitamin C, and some herbs, can contribute significantly to the management of anxiety and its influence on your health.
    Nowadays, more and more people rely on the supplements to supply the body with beneficial nutrients. The major development in the field of supplements has led to the design and production of a wide range of products making it possible for everyone now, depending on your needs, choose the appropriate supplements for its own organization and offer health and wellness.

    Even if you follow a healthy diet, it may not include all the essential nutrients needed by the body and are required to be obtained by other means in order to have a strong immune system, optimum energy levels and good mental function. Depending on your needs, can a person in order to ensure health and wellness to use different supplements such as multivitamins, antioxidants, probiotics or omega - 3 and 6 fatty acids.

    Taking supplements can reduce the risk of the elderly suffer from poor immune function associated with advancing age. Also taking supplements can also improve the level of micronutrients elderly at levels associated with reduced risk of certain chronic diseases.
    The composite supplementation with vitamins and minerals provide vitamins, minerals and other factors needed to prevent deficits from the diet that may be caused by poor eating habits, impulsive lifestyle etc.


    Tribulus Terrestris belongs to the family Zygophyllaceae and thrives in temperate and tropical regions of southern Europe, Asia, Africa and Australia. It is known by many common names, such as devil's thorn, devil's weed, puncturevine, tackweed etc. The extract of the plant appears to increase the natural levels of testosterone in the body. In this way, improve male sexual performance and helps to increase muscle mass. Mixtures of various compounds found in fruits, stems and roots of the plant have medicinal properties. 

    Lepidium Meyenii (Maca) is mainly used as a tonic for the body and to treat erectile dysfunction. The Maca belongs to the category of Super foods as it is a real "pharmaceutical product" of nature. The stimulating effect is due to the abundance of vitamins, acids and minerals it contains. Used by athletes to increase strength and improve performance. As an "aphrodisiac", Maca is called by many "Viagra of nature." Eating Maca considered that effectively treats erectile dysfunction, increases Libido (men and women) and improves the quantity and quality of sperm (These properties are confirmed by clinical studies small sample). Maca is said to increase fertility - with no clinical research to confirm this.
    Maca contains a number of active ingredients such as vitamins B1, B2 and C, proteins (up 11%), fiber (cellulose and lignin), tannins, minerals ( potassium, Bismuth, Copper, Iron, Phosphorus, Magnesium, Manganese, etc.), fructose, glucose, amino acids (arginine, alanine, etc.), sterols, carotenoids and niacin.

    Muira Puama (Ptychopetalum olacoides) is mainly used as an aphrodisiac and to treat erectile dysfunction. The active ingredients Muira Pouama leading to an increase in Libido (men and women) and to treat erectile dysfunction is not completely known. 
    Muira Pouama considered herb that improves sex life for many years. Although the effect is not sufficiently documented the "survival" (as an aphrodisiac), until today, and the continued global growth in consumption are impressive figures


    Promoting thermo genesis, i.e. increase the body temperature, resulting in increased metabolism and elimination of calories in the form of heat. Furthermore, stimulate the production nor- adrenaline, the hormone necessary for burning fat and neurotransmitters that increase vigor and soon satisfying hunger.

    There are places (belly for men, hips for women) which accumulates fat and are the latest points which will burn it. Why is this happening?
    The enemy has a name and is called A -2 receptor (alpha-2 receptor). If he wants you to accumulate of fat then it will become. It is the factor that inhibits lipolysis, which allows the accumulation of fat and the worst? It takes care that fat will stay on points we discussed.

    The most common thermogenic ingredient is caffeine . As is proven, caffeine is fat burning, reduces hunger, improves mood and increases endurance levels. Caffeine has many positives, which is why it is included in most fat burners. Green tea is another popular supplement. The active substance, epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), increase the burning of calories. Two other thermogenetic substances are synephrine (from pineapple), and capsaicin (from peppers).


    The role of vitamins is to assist various energy -producing reactions in the body and should be taken with food because the body either cannot be produced at all, some of them, either synthesize sufficient quantities. Many mistakenly believe that excessive consumption of vitamin preparations can provide extra energy and strength in the body. The latter, however, studies have shown that athletes who have been qualitatively and quantitatively balanced diet that covers all the food groups do not benefit from taking vitamin preparations.

    They do not provide energy to the body, but are needed in very small amounts for growth and keeping in good condition. When, however, the energy intake from food is very low, then a multivitamin, approved by the National Medicines Agency may fill possible gaps. Today it is known that many vitamins are components of coenzymes necessary for enzyme activity and progress are metabolic pathways in the body.

    The lack of a vitamin means that an enzyme cannot catalyze a reaction and when in the body there is a reaction should be and vice versa, when a reaction that should not be done, created some problems in the body, and the clinical picture of these events characterize the different diseases. Partial vitamins present in foods as provitamins namely substances that have no action vitamins but can be converted into vitamin in the body.

    Depending on their solubility divided into two classes:

    Water soluble (vitamins B complex and vitamin C)
    And the fat-soluble (vitamins A, D, E and K).

    The absorption of water soluble vitamins is very easy, since liposoluble, like fat, require the presence of pancreatic lipase and bile salts for absorption.

    Consequently to absorb fat-soluble should be secreted bile and pancreatic juice in the digestive tract, which is achieved by taking some amount of fat that stimulates the secretion of digestive juices above.


    The body uses food to get energy and components necessary for operation. The process which achieves the burning of food called catabolism. This will get the energy and the residue called ash. The ash contains minerals and trace elements. 

    Metals considered as calcium, phosphorus, sodium, chlorine, potassium, sulfur and magnesium. Their main role is to participate in the structure of cells and tissues of the body. The minerals are components of substances such as enzymes and vitamins and are very small, but necessary, amount (traces). As minerals are considered iron, copper, zinc, manganese, iodine, cobalt, fluoride, molybdenum and selenium.

    The body does not produce either a metal or mineral and is entirely based on intake from food or from supplements balanced to meet their everyday needs. Consuming all the nutrients included in a balanced diet, we can say that in most cases, we get almost all the necessary vitamins and essential minerals and trace elements.

    Today, however, only the minority owners of our little companions follow the perfect diet. A lot of people prefer to give a financial or food to cook food. But if we follow the perfect diet does not mean that the body of the animal we will be provided with all the necessary nutrients. This is because some of them are sensitive and easily damaged, either by exposure to light or by other environmentally or storage agents. All the above suggest taking a dietary supplement.

    The use of dietary supplements is good not to be casual, but on a daily basis, and always in accordance with the proposed route of administration. The benefits are long term and not directly as for example the elimination of pain by administering a painkiller.

    A robust body "built" day by day and therefore the dietary supplement has lesser effect if we only need arises or at intervals. The best time for administration of nutritional supplements are after meals, because then it becomes better absorption of ingredients (minerals, vitamins, trace elements) from the body.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 24 items