Carbohydrates are the energy currency of our body. Most foods that we eat everyday consist of carbohydrates. Our body cleaves carbohydrates into smaller pieces, glucose, which burns to get the energy they need all day to live.

Why we need carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy of our brain and nervous system. They provide the e...

Carbohydrates are the energy currency of our body. Most foods that we eat everyday consist of carbohydrates. Our body cleaves carbohydrates into smaller pieces, glucose, which burns to get the energy they need all day to live.

Why we need carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are the main source of energy of our brain and nervous system. They provide the energy we need to move, to think and to make all the necessary functions of our body.

There are two main types of carbohydrates:

  • Simple Carbohydrates:Monosaccharides and Disaccharides
  • Complex :Oligosaccharides and polysaccharides

The main role of carbohydrates in the body is the production of energy. That is why carbohydrates are the basis of human nutrition. One gram of carbohydrate during cleavage yields 4 kcal (calories, as has come to be called). 50-55 % of energy intake per day should come from carbohydrates. The bulk of these will be covered by polysaccharides, after food, which contained, include other nutrients such as vitamins and minerals. Moreover, the digestion and absorption of the polysaccharides takes more time, thus avoiding the abrupt increase of the concentration of glucose in blood. In contrast, the simple sugars increase abruptly the glucose concentration in blood. The increased consumption of simple sugars has been associated with the creation of obesity, since foods that are contained are high caloric value.


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