The role of vitamins is to assist various energy -producing reactions in the body and should be taken with food because the body either cannot be produced at all, some of them, either synthesize sufficient quantities. Many mistakenly believe that excessive consumption of vitamin preparations can provide extra energy and strength in the body. The...

The role of vitamins is to assist various energy -producing reactions in the body and should be taken with food because the body either cannot be produced at all, some of them, either synthesize sufficient quantities. Many mistakenly believe that excessive consumption of vitamin preparations can provide extra energy and strength in the body. The latter, however, studies have shown that athletes who have been qualitatively and quantitatively balanced diet that covers all the food groups do not benefit from taking vitamin preparations.

They do not provide energy to the body, but are needed in very small amounts for growth and keeping in good condition. When, however, the energy intake from food is very low, then a multivitamin, approved by the National Medicines Agency may fill possible gaps. Today it is known that many vitamins are components of coenzymes necessary for enzyme activity and progress are metabolic pathways in the body.

The lack of a vitamin means that an enzyme cannot catalyze a reaction and when in the body there is a reaction should be and vice versa, when a reaction that should not be done, created some problems in the body, and the clinical picture of these events characterize the different diseases. Partial vitamins present in foods as provitamins namely substances that have no action vitamins but can be converted into vitamin in the body.

Depending on their solubility divided into two classes:

Water soluble (vitamins B complex and vitamin C)

And the fat-soluble (vitamins A, D, E and K).

The absorption of water soluble vitamins is very easy, since liposoluble, like fat, require the presence of pancreatic lipase and bile salts for absorption.

Consequently to absorb fat-soluble should be secreted bile and pancreatic juice in the digestive tract, which is achieved by taking some amount of fat that stimulates the secretion of digestive juices above.


VITAMINS AND MINERALS There are 12 products.

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Showing 1 - 12 of 12 items