IGF.POWER is a food supplement of Arginine, Pantothenic acid, Copper,...
Are you anxious about your sexual erection? Do you feel any lack of...
VITERAL is a food supplement complete in terms of supply of vitamins and...
HIGH ORAC 10.000! A unique dietary supplement with high antioxidant...
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Food supplement of B vitamins indicated in case of low intake of these nutrients in the diet or increase of their requirements.
Food supplement. Calcium is needed for the physiological maintenance of bones and teeth, vitamin D promotes calcium absorption.
CLA 80 is a food supplement of conjugated linoleic acid.
Put your cholesterol levels in check and keep them within normal limits with COLESTEROLO+, an innovative, natural dietary supplement that reduces cholesterol levels and improves heart function.
Food supplement useful in case of reduced dietary intake ofthe contained nutrients.
The components of ERGO TEST intervene in the physiological functions: spermatogenesis , fertility and reproduction, protein synthesis, maintaining the correct amount of testosterone in the blood , synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, reduction of tiredness and fatigue, energy metabolism, tonic effect and contrast the physical and mental fatigue.
FERRO ORGANICO is a food supplement of iron in form of ferrous gluconate. Iron is useful to maintain a proper physiological level of heoglobin and red blood cells.
FISH OIL OMEGA 3 EPA&DHA is a fod supplement of essential fatty acids omega 3 EPA and DHA.
Suffering from joint pains? Having difficulties in your movements? Not anymore! With HYALURONIC ACID you can easily and effectively improve your joints’ health and mobility!
Food supplement useful in case of reduced dietary intake of thecontained nutrients.
Magnesium contributes to the electrolyte equilibrium, the normal energy metabolism, the normal functioning of the nervous system, the normal mscular function