Creatine food supplement usefu in case of reduced intake of this nutrient in the diet.
Food supplement useful in case of reduced intake of creatin in the diet.
Food supplement useful in case of reduced dietary intake ofthe contained nutrients.
DEXTRO PLUS is a preparation for beverage consistingof dextrose.
DRENERIN COMPLEX! A powerful weapon for women that acts against skin swelling and bad mood caused by water retention
For strength and power during physical training as well as great gains in muscle mass! EGG PRO! A protein that originates from egg, the very first protein source granted by nature.
The components of ERGO TEST intervene in the physiological functions: spermatogenesis , fertility and reproduction, protein synthesis, maintaining the correct amount of testosterone in the blood , synthesis and metabolism of steroid hormones, reduction of tiredness and fatigue, energy metabolism, tonic effect and contrast the physical and mental fatigue.
Food supplement useful in case of reduced dietary intake of the contained nutrients.
Food supplement. With extracts of milk thistle, Desmodium, Broccoli and Colina. The choline, desmodium and milk thistle favor the physiological liver function.
FERRO ORGANICO is a food supplement of iron in form of ferrous gluconate. Iron is useful to maintain a proper physiological level of heoglobin and red blood cells.
FISH OIL OMEGA 3 EPA&DHA is a fod supplement of essential fatty acids omega 3 EPA and DHA.
GLUTA BOLIC is a glutamine food supplement enhanced with a special complex of vitamins and minerals formulated to act in synergy with his avanced glutamine complex.